Activity Sheets
Learning Fun for Everyone
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Available Sheets
Roman Public Life in Britain

Archaeology Sheet This sheet
describes a number of different fields and asks you to choose
which ones you think would be most likely to have interesting
archaeology hidden underground. It then asks you to decide
which materials you would be most likely to dig up. Lastly you
can draw the grass in on a cross-section to show how tall it
grows over different features, forming lines seen on aerial

Finger Puppets Sheet
Make six of your very own
Roman townspeople finger puppets with this easy-to-use cut-out

Roman Society Sheet In
this simple sheet, you are asked to draw three Romans
approaching the town gate (based on the West Gate at Silchester). There are lots of suggestions as to
what sort of Romans they might be.

Town Maze Sheet In
this sheet - designed by Alex - you must help the Roman slave
find his way through the streets of Calleva Atrebatum (now
Silchester in Hampshire) to deliver a message for his master;
but it's not that simple. You must help him visit ten different
buildings in order without going back on himself. Will he ever
find his way through the maze of roads?

Roman Town Tour Crossword Sheet This
is a three page sheet which takes you a tour of the Roman town
of Calleva Atrebatum (now Silchester in Hampshire). Look around
you as you go and fill in the answers to the clues on the
Not available as a free
sample. |

Basilica Sheet Here
we are inside the huge basilica at the centre of a Roman town,
but what was it for and what are all those people doing?

Engineering Sheet Damn
clever, those Romans! This two page sheet shows four marvellous
feets of Roman engineering that were introduced to Britain. Can
you work out what they are, what they do and most importantly
how they worked?
Not available as a free

Craftsmen Sheet Romans
were making all sorts of things all over the place, many of them
never seen in Britain before. This two page sheet has pictures
of six craftsmen and descriptions of their work. Decide who is
who, then cut out their correct heads, glue them in the right
place and label the the lot.
Not available as a free

Street Spot the Difference Sheet Here
are two pictures of a typical Roman street scene - in Winchester;
but one is slightly different from the other. Can you spot the
twelve changes?

Roman Shops Sheet Here
are three Roman shops, like those excavated in St. Albans; but
they need shopkeepers and produce and customers. What about
their signs? Lots of drawing required in this sheet.

Roman Coins Sheet This
two page sheet shows examples of Roman coins, with Emperors
closely associated with Britain on the front and propaganda
pictures on the back. Study the pictures and then draw your own
Not available as a free

in Britain Sheet Britain
was at the very edge of the Roman Empire, but did you know that
lots of Emperors still visited. Show what you know abut them and
find out lots more by doing the exercises. |

Baths Sheet
This sheet asks all about
the Roman Baths. Can you identify the different rooms? And what
English words are similar to those old Latin ones?

Mansio Sheet Lots
of activities here surrounding 'Mansiones' or Government-owned
hotels for Imperial messengers. Label the plan, do some maths
and make up a story. |

Roman Road Map Sheet Use
the descriptions on this eight page sheet to follow the ancient
road network round Roman Britain and label all the places your
pass through in their original Latin forms. Then see if you find
find similarities with some modern names to match them up. Can
be used regionally and/or by groups and stuck to together as a
large wall map. Not available as a free
sample. |

Theatre Sheet Theatres
were very popular in Roman Britain. They often put on plays of
mythological subjects. Can you fit the most appropriate masks to
the four scenes?
Not available as a free

Roman Race Track Sheet The
Romans loved the races. The pictures show the charioteers on
mosaics from Yorkshire & Lincolnshire, but the only known
race track was in Colchester. Learn about the teams, write down
what's going on, then answer all the maths questions. Lots of
Roman statistics here.

This six page sheet lays
out how to play EBK's exclusive gladiator game. Pick your
gladiatorial team, send them into the arena and have them fight
rounds of single combat until one of them is forced to beg for
his life. Weapons, armour and skill all play their part, but
there's always luck involved too. Die required.
Not available as a free
sample. |

Finger Puppets Sheet 1
Make six of your very own
Roman gladiator finger puppets with this easy-to-use cut-out

Finger Puppets Sheet 2
Make another six of your
very own Roman gladiator finger puppets with this easy-to-use
cut-out sheet.

Animal Finger Puppets Sheet
With this easy-to-use
cut-out sheet, make three of your very own finger puppets of
wild animals now extinct in Britain; but they were still around
in Roman times and perhaps fought gladiators in the

Army leave Britain Sheet This
is a multi-activity sheet. Pick the name of the Roman Emperor
who took most of the Roman away; fill in the soldier's speech
bubble; pick the correct statements about towns in this period;
and match the local kings with things they were famous for.
Roman Home Life in Britain

Archaeology Sheet This sheet
describes a number of different fields and asks you to choose
which ones you think would be most likely to have interesting
archaeology hidden underground. It then asks you to decide
which materials you would be most likely to dig up. Lastly you
can draw the grass in on a cross-section to show how tall it
grows over different features, forming lines seen on aerial

& Roman Stuff Sheet
This sheet
shows pictures of lots of items that would be familiar to Romans
and lots of items that would be familiar to Iron Age Celts. Identify
each group of items and colour them in two different colours.
Includes teachers' notes.
Not available as a free
Costume Sheet
This sheet shows pictures of
two Romans in Britain: A woman and two pictures of the same man.
You are asked to describe how they look different from how we
dress today, and when the man would where his different outfits.
Tombstones Sheet
This three page gives you a
choice of two Roman tombstones to design: one for a lady in a
chair and one for a man on a couch. Draw in your character, then
had an inscription in the correct Roman format.
Not available as a free sample.

Comparison Sheet
This sheet shows a two
ancient houses: one Iron Age Celtic and one Roman. You are asked
what differences you can see between the two.

Villa Sheet
This sheet shows a typical
Roman Villa in Britain. This one is based on a villa found in
Maidenhead in Berkshire. You are asked to identify and name
various parts of the villa and materials used to build it, using
lists and other clues. Includes parent/teacher notes.
Not available as a free
Mosaic & its Room Sheet In
this sheet, you are asked to look at the god shown on the
mosaic and try and identify which room it would have been laid
in. Then explore the Latin name for this room and what it tells
us. Based on a mosaic found in a town house at Leadenhall Street
in London.

Mosaic Colouring
This simple colouring sheet shows one of the
beautiful 4th century mosaic floors discovered in a villa at
Lower Basildon in Berkshire.

Mosaic Decorating
This is one step up from the
colouring sheet, where you are asked to decorate the areas of a
mosaic floor using typical Roman patterns. A small sample is
given to inspire some ideas. The design is based on a typical interlaced
squares pattern often used by the mosaicists from Cirencester.

Mosaic Maze Sheet
Find your way to the centre
of this intricate maze, based on a Roman mosaic found in a villa
at Carisbrooke on the Isle of Wight.

Wall Painting Sheet On
this outline of a typical Roman wall painting from St. Albans,
add in all the detail that the Romans loved: leaves on the
scroll, birds and animal masks at the centre, hanging swags and
pretend marble, perhaps even a mythological scene.

a Lararium Sheet
This six page set of
sheets gives you all the parts you need to cut out and make your
very own 'Lararium' or Roman household shrine. Just provide a
box. Comes with full
instruction sheet. See photo at the top of this page.
Not available as a free

Roman Handwriting Sheet We
see lots of large Roman inscriptions in museums, but their handwriting
was very different. Look at the famous 'party invite' found at
Vindolanda in Northumberland and answer the questions. There's
also a Roman pot with writing on. What's that all about?

Baths Sheet
This sheet asks all about
the Roman Baths. Can you identify the different rooms? And what
English words are similar to those old Latin ones?

Animal Finger Puppets Sheet
With this easy-to-use
cut-out sheet, make three of your very own finger puppets of
wild animals now extinct in Britain; but they were still around
in Roman times and perhaps fought gladiators in the

Roman Hunting Sheet The
Romans liked hunting as much medieval and later people, but the
animals they chased may have been rather different from those
around today. Check out the list and describe the hunting scene.

the Buried Treasure Sheet
Many Roman hoards of treasure
have been found in Britain. Use this sheet to draw in your own dream
treasure from this time. Then have a think about why someone might have
hidden it back then. |

Mildenhall Great Dish Sheet
The most famous Roman treasure
hoard found in Britain is the Mildenhall Treasure. Here you get to
examine the pictures on its great dish in detail: but you'll need to get
your thinking cap on to decide what they show and why they are
appropriate? |

Lanx Puzzle Sheet
The Risley Lanx was a highly
decorated silver tray from Roman Britain that was dug up in the 18th
century and immediately cut to pieces! Find copies of those pieces here
on four pages, cut them out and put the lanx back together. Then look at
the decoration and think about way the scenes shown were chosen.
Not available as a free sample. |

Lanx Mystery Sheet
The Risley Lanx was a highly
decorated silver tray from Roman Britain that was dug up in the 18th
century; but later disappeared. What happened to it? Was it rediscovered
in 1991? Or was it all a big fraud? Use the twelve argument cards to
have a debate about what really happened. Compete with teacher's notes.
Three pages.
Not available as a free sample. |
& Roman Stuff Sheet This sheet
shows pictures of lots of items that would be familiar to Romans
and lots of items that would be familiar to Saxons. Identify
each group of items and colour them in two different colours.
Includes teachers' notes.
Not available as a free
sample. |
Roman Religion

Temple Sheet This
multi-activity sheet asks you to identify the Celtic and Roman
influences on the temple (from Waltham St. Lawrence in
Berkshire), name its shape, choose a likely centre-piece
and label the plan.

Temple at Bath Sheet This
time the multi-activity sheet is based on the great Classical
temple of Sulis Minerva at Aquae Sulis (Bath). Answer the
questions, identify the objects and do some maths as well.

Statue at Bath Sheet The
head of the cult statue of Sulis Minerva from the great temple
at Aquae Sulis (Bath) was found in the 18th century. Can you
fill in the rest of her?

Sheet Here is a
picture of a Roman sacrifice as shown on a sculpture from
Scotland; but who are all those people and what's going on? Look
at the details and label the boxes. |

Tablet Sheet
Now put yourself in the
position of an average Roman. You think someone has stolen
something from you. So what do you do? You write out a curse
tablet and set a deal with your favourite god of course. But you
must write it out in the accepted format or it just won't work.
This sheet tells you how to do it just right. |

Plaque Sheet
So you've thrown your
curse tablet into the temple pool and the god did what you
asked. Now you have to hold up your end of the bargain. Dedicate
a gold or silver plaque to the god and hang it up in the temple
to show you've done it. Why not decorate this one and pin it on
the wall? |

Temple Objects Sheet In
this two-page sheet, you must identify which objects were worn
or carried by a Pagan Roman priest and which were just found in
a temple. You could also guess what they are.
Includes teachers' notes.
Not available as a free
sample. |

Gods Sheet
Read the descriptions of
the named gods. Then identify which picture shows which god and
write in his name.

Gods Sheet 2
Read the descriptions of
the named gods. Then identify which picture shows which god and
write in his name.

Goddesses Sheet
Read the descriptions of
the named goddesses. Then identify which picture shows which
goddess and write in her name.

Gods of the Days of the Week Sheet
The Romans had a god for
every day of the week. Here they all are shown on a mosaic found
at Bramdean in Hampshire; but can you work out which is which?

Theatre Sheet Theatres
were often built close to temples, so that large religious
ceremonies could take place there. They also generally put on
plays of mythological subjects. Can you fit the most appropriate
masks to the four scenes?
Not available as a free

a Lararium Sheet
This six page set of
sheets gives you all the parts you need to cut out and make your
very own 'Lararium' or Roman household shrine. Just provide a
box. Comes with full
instruction sheet. See photo at the top of this page.
Not available as a free

in Britain Sheet Even
though Britain was at the very edge of the Roman Empire,
Christianity still made its way there and became very popular. Use
this introductory sheet to solve the secret cryptogram, identify
the character on the mosaic, draw some Christians and their
symbols and identify objects. |

Stories Sheet
You may know lots of
Bible stories, but which ones were told in Roman Britain all
those years ago? Take a look at the decoration on this Roman
vessel from Scotland and see if you can work it out?

Alban's Story Sheet
This sheet shows a
cartoon strip telling the story of St. Alban, a typical tale of
Christian persecution in Roman Britain. The speech bubbles,
however, are blank and you must fill in what the characters are
saying. You could also cut up the six pictures prior to
presenting them to those doing the activity and ask them to put
them in the correct order. Includes story.
Not available as a free
Roman Army

Comparison Sheet
This sheet shows an Iron
Age Celtic warrior and a Roman soldier and asks you to look for
differences between what they are wearing.

Labelling Sheet
A Roman soldier wore a
complicated outfit and carried lots of equipment. Here it is
named in Latin, but what is it all called in English.

Legionaries Finger Puppets Sheet
Make six of your very own
Roman legionary finger puppets with this easy-to-use cut-out

a Roman Army Sheet Use
the clothing and equipment shown in this five page sheet to
dress a Roman soldier in the correct order. Make lots of them
and create a wall mural of a whole army. There's even a centurion
and a standard bearer to complete the set.
Not available as a free

Specialisms Sheet On
this three page sheet, answer the questions on the flowchart and
follow the arrows to find out about all the different jobs that
Roman soldiers did and which area you would have specialised in
had you joined the Roman army. Collect data from your friends
and use it to draw some graphs.
Not available as a free

Roman Invasion Sheet Why
did the Romans invade Britain anyway? Lots of possible reasons
here, but can you work out which ones are correct?

Roman Conquest of Anglesey Sheet After
they invaded Britain, the Romans were keen to smash the power of
the druids on Anglesey. Tacitus tells us all about it, but can
you answer all the multiple choice questions about what he
Not available as a free

Revolting 1 The
Romans weren't very nice to Queen Boudica, but she soon got her
revenge. Tacitus tells us all about what she did to Colchester,
but can you answer all the multiple choice questions about what
he wrote?
Not available as a free

Revolting 2 After
Colchester, Queen Boudica moved on to St. Albans and London.
Tacitus tells us all about her final campaign, but can you
answer all the multiple choice questions about what he wrote?
Not available as a free

did Boudica look like? Queen
Boudica let a masive revolt against the Romans, but what was
this enigmatic woman like? Read what Cassius Dio said about her
and then draw her portrait.

Forts Sheet
This sheet shows the plan
of a typical Roman fort (based on Housesteads in
Northumberland). You must label all the buildings from the
descriptions given.

Wall Sheet
Answer the maths
questions about Hadrian's Wall and mark up the stretch shown
between two forts. Then look at what's going on in the turret
and answer some observation questions too.

Gewissae Sheet
is a multi-activity sheet about the Anglo-Saxon tribe who
settled in Britain before the Roman army left. Tell us why were called the
Gewissae, match their kings to the places named
after them and identify the scenes on the Long Wittenham Bucket
from the list.
Sample Request
If you let us know
what school you're at (if you're a teacher) or what county/state
you're in (if you're a parent/home educator/other interested
party), you can request a single free sample on nashfordpublishing@googlemail.com
(but please note that some sheets are excluded from this offer).
We have a wide
range of British history activity sheets for kids available.
They are very competitively priced and contain many more
illustrations than other sheets on the market: all exclusive to
Nash Ford Publishing. You can purchase them very cheaply in sets
organised by subject. All sheets are shown and described above.
Some are quick, some are longer and take more thought or involve
making things. Most are single pages, but some are more. Some can
be used straight off. Others are designed to be used after a
little learning, which our Romano-British
Provinces website can help with of course. All of them double
as colouring sheets and will keep your pupils or children amused
for hours. For activity sheets from other periods of British
history, click