Mail David


also called Edward of Caernarfon (reigned 1307-1327)
was the son of King Edward I. He was
the first English Prince of Wales.
- When he became king, he
inherited a great war in Scotland from his father.
- But he was not a good soldier.
Robert the Bruce (later King Robert I of Scots) kicked him out of
Scotland after winning the Battle of Bannockburn.
- Edward was married to a French
princess, but he liked men better than women. He had several
boyfriends and he gave them lots of power. This made him very
unpopular with the Barons.
- Edward's cousin,
the Earl of Lancaster worked against him and eventually led the Barons
in a rebellion (war against the proper king). He was defeated at the
Battle of Boroughbridge in Yorkshire in 1322.
- When there was trouble in
English Gascony in France, Edward sent his wife to talk to the French
king. He later sent his son, Edward, to join her.
- The Queen was fed up with
Edward. Her boyfriend, the Earl of March, helped her invade England.
They captured Edward and imprisoned
him in Berkeley Castle in Gloucestershire.
- He was horribly murdered by
having a red hot poker stuck up his bum! His
young son became the next king, Edward III.